Our 3-Pronged Response to National Challenges


Sign the petition and address three critical challenges facing our nation.

Together we can deliver clear, positive, and necessary outcomes before the upcoming election. By securing 1,500 supporters in the majority of congressional districts nationwide, we can significantly influence Congress's priorities, like ending war and spending wisely.  This plan can even influence the election results to overcome the 2-party duopoly.

Challenge 1: Empowering Constituents

  • Goal: Shift Congress’s attention from donors to constituents.
  • Strategy: Implement our PHIER-powered 1,500-signature strategy to diminish the power of money in politics.
  • Rationale: Gathering 1,500 eligible voter signatures compels Congress to attend town hall meetings where we will present our demands. If they fail to act in accordance with their constituents' interests, we will initiate recall efforts, ensuring accountability and empowering the 99%.

   Our Demands Once We Collect 1,500 Signatures:

  • END Military Support for Israel. 
    • Ceasefire Immediately and tell Israel the US will NOT defend them agasint the countries they preemptively attack and provoke.
    • Provide restorative and humanitarian support for the Palestinians.
    • Promote a "Torah-based" government, vs a 2-state solution or a Theocracy.
  • Revoke War Powers and end provocative, funded, and armed activities around the world and pursue PEACE.
  • Use Congress’s "Power of the Purse" to prioritize tax and spending reforms benefiting the majority of CONSTITUENTS (vs. "agendas).
  • Leverage Eminent Domain and the Defense Production Act to tackle inflation, housing, healthcare, and food security sustainably.
  • Force Medicare/Medicaid to demand volume discounts on medications, utilizing their buying power to save trillions, fund domestic initiatives, reduce the national debt, and stabilize the economy.
  • Ensure constituent-driven decision-making over donor-driven actions, with mandatory audits and approvals from constituents before congressional votes.
  • Stop taxing the poor/working class, end price gouging and make IRS stop targeting the 99%.   

If elected officials fail to act on these demands, 1,500 signatures will trigger immediate recall and replacement. It is in this way that we can overcome the influence of money in politics and begin healing our nation.  It will create a government tha tis for, by and accountable to "We the People" better than the 2-party duopoly ever will.


Challenge 2: Reducing Medicare/Medicaid Costs

  • Goal: Secure deeper volume discounts on health-related goods and services once we reach critical mass.
  • Rationale: While private insurers, buying clubs, and the VA (serving 9.5 million veterans) negotiate significant savings, Congress will not allow Medicare/Medicaid to do the same, costing taxpayers trillions annually.  We can change 1500 signatures at a time:
    • By mobilizing just 5% of prescription drug consumers, we can secure discounts that can fund 100% risk/cost-free health insurance for veterans and union members, and the 99%. 
    • Savings will be more than enough to
      • provide monthly checks  to improve the lives of all our members.   
      • secure discounts that fund essential services, benefit taxpayers, and ensure sustainable savings.
    • These benefits will be paid for out of savings, without increasing taxes, raising the debt/deficit or requiring permission of the donors.

    Challenge 3: Thriving Local Economies Amid Job Losses

    • Goal: Use collective bargaining and a cooperative marketplace to give the best prices on goods and services to our members.  Use savigns to create sustainable jobs and support small businesses to help people, families and communities recover by creating an inclusive, moral and fair economy for all who join. 
    • Rationale: Our PHIER-powered connected communities will pool resources, skills, buying power and hope.
      • By solving problems that government neglects, we will show effective leadership.
      • If Congress refuses to adopt or improve on solutions the people want implented, they will face recall.
      • This promotes a more efficient, resource-sharing government focused on local empowerment. 
    • Expected Outcomes: A smaller, smarter government that uses shared services controlled by and accountable to "We the People". 


      Together, we can ensure that Congress will protect, reflect, and respect the will of the voting public, or they will be replaced with new people who commit to meeting the constituent's demands. This plan will overcome the influence of money in politics, which will compel Congress to prioritize constituents over donors and create a brighter, fairer future. It will also protect our Democracy from candidates with ulterior motives.

      Join Us: Together, we will build a future that works for all.